I'm back to working out. Partly because my brother-in-law is doing it again, partly out of a necessity, and partly because it is a great workout that offer immediant gratification (emotionally and physically).
I bought a motorcycle in early spring. My motorcycle jacket fits length-wise, but is a little loose in the arms. Getting a tad bit of muscle in the arms would help insure a safer landing if I crash. I've also noticed that I have made a few mistakes on my ride home, due to fatigue. Doing a workout at night should prevent that fatigue and ideally make me ready to go to sleep afterwards.
Chest & Back- The bad news is I kind of went straight into the workout, unlike last time were I worked out a little before. Comparing my self to my previous Day 1, I didn't do nearly as good with my numbers. I did however really try to get the form down. Like last time I am sore, but I think I might be sore in the wrong places. Right now I'm sore in the upper arms and shoulders. Before I felt it in my chest more. Hopefully with good technique I can beat my prior self in these upcoming workouts.
Nutrition- Well... I didn't plan to much ahead of time so, I'm lacking a few supplies (eggs, salt free nuts, bannanas). I'm thinking I will pass on the milk. Even though it's great for building musclemass.. I think I might be lactose-intolerant and I probably won't go the soy milk route either. For now it's mixing the protien mix in water, witch doesn't taste nearly as good. I also need to keep in mind that this decreases my calcium intake and fat intake.
I understand that goat milk is good for the lactose-intolerant. That's what I drink every day.