That's right I'm giving money away. Well.. not really giving it away as much as I'm investing it.
For the 31 Days leading up to my Birthday (Sept 20th to Oct 20st, Oct 21st will be a rest day) I'm going to put up 31 Dollars, making a total of $961 dollars. Eh.. let's make it an even $1,000 . This will be a contest where the $1,000 will be distributed based on points it's participants earn per day (Total Money / Total Points for all Participants). For Example Joe posts gets 1 point per day and Sally gets 2 points per Day and no one else does anything then... Joe gets $333 and Sally gets $666. To earn points per day you just got to workout, and show it in one of the four ways listed below.
The numbers in parentheses are potential additional points. The bonus points are entirely based on my own personal discretion, but things like Production Quality, Entertainment Value, how Hard you worked, Personal Improvements you made, Inspiration, and likely my personal opinion will be considered. You'll notice that a Video has the potential to be worth 10 times the amount of a Fitocracy Update.
Like I said before this is an investment. A financial investment that will hopefully pay off by making its participates more healthy and happy, as well as providing myself with more motivation to continue working out.
- To be a participant you have to know me, this is strictly open to my Friends and Family only.
- You also have to know about this contest to compete in it. (If you didn't know about this contest and happened to be working out, those prior entries won't count)
- I have to know your competing in this contest. (So I can track it)
- I have to agree to let you compete in this contest. (People I don't know well, will likely not be able to compete OR may be very limited)
- I have to know about your workout submissions. Make sure I'm following you on Fitocracy, I'm subscribed to your Youtube, I know of your blog, etc
- You should have a time stamp somewhere on it. (Most sites automatically do this)
- You have to try to submit within 24 hours of the workout. (There can be a lot of leeway here, especially uploading good quality videos on poor Internet connection)
- If you don't live close to me where I can physically give you the money/check. You should be okay with me giving it through Paypal.. if you want money. Though me buying something with the money to send you, could also work.
- Only the best of the four types of entries will count. If you do a Fitocracy update and a blog entry with a video. I'll count it as a video, though I might give you extra points for the other stuff.
- You got to accept that I'm not responsible if anything negative happens as result of participating this contest. (ie. You suddenly decided to do a marathon, or your doing some high cardio stuff while clogging your arteries with a bucket of donuts, etc.)
- Your workout should be at least 15 minutes
- Your workout is under my judgement. I won't accept things like a Gaming Marathon Session, Watching Tennis, etc. ... but I will accept things like (but not limited to) Walking (in effort to eventually run/jog), playing Basketball, Swimming, Bicycling, Rock Climbing, etc.
- The rules can change. Changes will be posted here (as well as updates on where the participants are point-wise) (This post was sort of rushed)
- I may reward bonus points for stuff like most consecutive days, being on the top of the leaderboard (most points), etc. ... or I may not XP
** If your embarrassed about showing yourself working out, you can make the pictures/video private (just make sure I can watch it).
Because updating your workouts can be so monotonous, I MAY also accept other self improvement entries instead of a workout.
Oh.. one more thing.. I'll be participating along side everyone else. So... I hope your ready for this, because I can be very stringent with my money.
Hahaha, I love that you have named it "Uncle Moneybags Fitness Contest." I'm in. I will admit, though, that I probably won't be posting any videos.. I feel weird in front of cameras. Speaking or demonstrating in front of large groups of people- that I can deal with. Cameras.. eh.. not so much. BUT I am excited by the challenge! I won't be taking your money.. I only accept that in exchange for artwork or sex [XD kidding.You motivating us to motivate you? It's going to be fffuuunn =D