Chest and Back- Pushed myself a bit much during the first round, wasn't expecting a second round. During the 2nd round I often couldn't beat what I did before. Orginally was going to do the pullup/chin up stuff elsewhere.. but the program constantly switches between them. For the time I used 2 chairs and a bar.. the chairs backs arn't very secure.. might break. I'll have to buy door one(that might not fit on the door frame) or a standalone one that might cost around $200. Once I get my own house I could just put something permanent in.
Ab Ripper X- Struggled through it. Not use to that sort of leg work. I also lack alot of flexability.
Nutrition-Orginally I was just going to do the exercises and ignore the nurtition part, since I eat fairly healthy. I relize though... that if I want to see an improvement then following the nutrition is that much more important and it only hurts my performance in the exercises if I don't pay an attention to my food intake.
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