Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 8

I wokeup four hours early. I went swimming with my Brother and my Sister's family. When I got home I was tired. I would of liked to just do my workout and go to sleep.. but in order to set myself up for work I needed to stay awake. I eventually toke a 2 hour nap. I woke up thinking.. "I'm so tired.. maybe I can just do it tomorrow after I wake up". I thought about where I was and what my reasons were for doing this. That gave me my motivation. Then I got up, cleaned up some, and started the workout.

Chest and Back-It went fairly well. I think I improve my form and added a few reps on most things for the second round, if not both rounds.

Ab Ripper X-I remembered how well I did last time and was looking forward to doing well this time. I was just so tired and couldn't perform like I did on Day 5. For the first time during this program I felt like maybe I was going to vomit.. I'm guessing.. either I ate to soon before, didn't eat well enough over this weekend, or just had to much water.

Nutrition-Over the weekend I didn't have as tight control of my nutrition as during the week. So... in at least that one aspect.. I'm glad to start the work week.

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