Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sprain Recovery Weeks 2 and 3

After the first work week was over (where I was using crutches), I switched to one crutch during the weekend. Sunday night I realized if I set my weight on my heel and had my foot pigeon-toed (facing inward), I could support my body weight without any pain. So, for that 2nd week I was able to sort of slowly limp around without any curtches. Occasionally I would land my foot slightly off and feel some pain, but nothing to intense.

Saturday, I decided to ride my bicycle to the grocery store to pick up food. It wasn't to fun. Orginally hoping to ride to two stores (one for cold stuff (milk, yogurt, bannanas, and ) and the other for dry goods(grains and nuts)), I was happy to be able to at least get my cold stuff from one. Next Sunday I found myself walking fairly normal.. so maybe the bicycling helped some. I think I'll start back up with P90X next Sunday.. which will meet the minimum healing time of 3 weeks (6 weeks was the max range)

Nutrition-Starting the 2nd Sprain Recovery week I started back in the routine of cooking oatmeal for breakfast and preparing my lunches for the week. I made a few minor changes. Since I haven't been working out, I've only been taking 1 scoop of Protein Supplement. My Calorie consumption is right in line with someone my age/height/gender that doesn't currently workout(this will of course change when I start working out) . Instead of having 2oz Cashews for a snack, it's now 1.5oz Almonds. My peanuts are now unsalted and have been eating that with raisins for an afterwork snack, which means I'm not using raisins in my oatmeal. Starting tomorrow I'll add Flaxseeds to my oatmeal.

I also need to find a place that sells raw spinach in smaller bundles or variable sizes, and perferably organic (Ref: ). Buying bundles wastes to much. Spinach is said to only last about 8 days. Buying just what I need every week Organic Spinach would be my perfered option.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Instead of going into so much detail, I thought I would make two lists related to how things are going using the crutches. I think, I might of used crutches once before when I was in 5th grade.. but I don't remember to well.

Things that work against me:

  • The place I'm living isn't kept in the best condition, makes it hard to get around

  • I don't like to clean or cook in the crutches when my brothers are awake (witch is often)

  • I can only carry things with a few fingers, unless I bare my weight on my armpits

  • My Ego prevents me from taking time off or often asking co-workers to get things for me

  • Going to work, I'm not taking care of my foot as well as the Doctor recommended

Things that have helped me:

  • I have a limited Water Supply in my room

  • Alot of my pre-P90X food is instant and located in my room

  • My main source of entertainment (computer) is in my room

  • I have Drummer Stool that works really well for having my foot rest on

  • Various People will somtimes help with things

  • I don't weight that much and have good upper body strength

  • I've been riding in to work before I got injured, so I didn't have to set something up

  • For the most part, I have a desk job (I'm sitting about 90% of the time)

  • I have a cup with a lid and handle (so it can hang by my pinky without it spilling)

Overall.. I think it's a good experience. It is kind of fun to use crutches (espeically at work with the open hallways). Though, just a few days into it my other leg and forearms are tired and my armpits are a bit sore. I thought about taking a day off.. just to rest, but now there are only 2 days left. I'm thinking I should be able to walk on it by the weekend. It's suppose to take 3 to 6 weeks to fully heal. Maybe by the time I restart the program I can get my brother (2nd born) started on it at the same time as myself.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 21.5

After 3 hours of taking the pain.. I was like "screw it". I asked my brother to take me to the emergancy room. 4 hours later, I'm told it's just a foot sprain. I feel like such a tool.

I can't really put any pressure on it. I'll have to stop P90X.. and to be fair, start over from Day 1. I'm not sure what changes might happen as far as my eating habits go.

Day 21

Basketball - What? Thats not a P90X workout. So.. I haven't played basketball in like 15 years (and I wasn't really into it then), back when I was in Junior High. A co-worker put up the invitation. I would normally turn it down.. cause team sports don't appeal to me. BUT.. I thought.. "How would I do?". The oppertunity to test myself was to tempting. The first hour I was just kicking a ball around with a co-worker's brother's kid and another co-worker. The next two hours I played 5 games. I wasn't that great. I didn't feel comfortable dribbling or shooting the ball. I played some solid defense though. I got some rebounds and heh.. in one game I kept one of the opposing teammates completely out of the game, with me gaurding him no one felt comfortable passing to him. I landed kind of awkwardly a few times. It didn't seem like anything much.. left knee and left ankle.

I layed down, put some ice on it and kept my foot up and watched a movie. When I got up though x_x . So.. its bit worse then I thought. I'm still convienced that it will go away. I don't want to be going into work looking injured, I don't want anyone feeling sorry for me or feeling like I can't take a game of basketball.

The good news is that tomorrow is the start of my Recovery Week (thankfully no Plyometrics). I'm not going to do Yoga X.. but I might do Stretch X tonight, besides Yoga X is scheduled for tomorrow anyways.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 20

Kenpo X - I was going to record the whole thing, but it kept cutting out (low batttery). I got my heart rate quickly up to about 148. The next time I looked at the clock there was only 20 minutes left. Alot of sweat at the end.

I love the Double backhand, Front Kick, Back Kick Combo... it's the only one where I really get my facial expresions into it. I also like the Punches and Blocks in the horse stance where you constantly buildup your speed.

Nutrition - making my lunches Sunday and storing in indvidual day containers worked out fine. The Spinach didn't get moist or wet, the Rice stayed soft, and the Salmon didn't get dry.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 19

Legs and Back - I'm a little dissapointed that I didn't get the the numbers I was hoping to get for my Chin-up and Pull-up stuff. Even though it was my last chance to record some strong numbers for Phase 1.. I'm still happy with the overall effort I put out.

Ab Ripper X - I'm getting better at this. For Oblique V-Ups and Fifer Scissors, I just have to pant like I'm about to give birth (or else I hold end up holding my breath). I also noticed if I place my arms under back.. parellel to and supporting my spine.. I could work Hip Rock n Raise and Heels to the Heavens.. in a way more closer to how their doing it and without the lower back pain. With those minor adjustments I was able to hang in for all of the moves with basically no breaks. Now I can focus on getting my legs straighter and my overall form better.

Nutrition - Nothing new.

I had a dream that bothered me, but I won't go into it. (Tqn{nfOjwjr~UttqIfixMtzxjWttkGfg~)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 18

Stretch X - I got off work early.. but I ended up wasting alot of time. So, I decided to Switch Stretch X and Yoga X for the week. I'll do Yoga X in a couple days.

Nutrition - During my wasted time I consumed out of my schedule... extra peanuts, raisins, and a yogurt. Not much else to say.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Day 17

Arms and Shoulders- I did well. Either I improved my form, did more reps, or increased my weight (and probably ruined my form some). An hour workout with 15 exercises.. all repeated twice.. 13 of the 15 using weights.

Ab Ripper X- My bicep was feeling all pumped, wasn't really feeling like doing Ab Ripper X... but whatever.. I'm to lazy to hit the stop button I guess. All around I did all right. On the last side of Oblique V-Ups I stuck in and finished well.. I usually stop two or three times to cry out in pain, haha.

Nutrition- I changed my some of my custom entries on to some of the ones they had.. since the labels don't show everything. I'm stil short 400 calories and could use some Folate (I have about 66% Daily Value Recommendation). But, all in all I'm doing okay. I'm feeling really good about the changes I've made. It also feels good to buy and eat the food that I've chosen, knowing what it is going to provide for my body. You don't get that feeling standing the checkout line as the cashier rings up a bag of cookies or what have you. Personally.. and not offend anyone else, I would feel less embaressed buying a year supply of toilet paper then a bag of cookies. Maybe my viewpoint is flawed though, I don't know.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Anyone can post comments now, no ID required.

Day 16

Plyometrics-I tried to take it easy on the knees. I heard no squeeking noise today. My heart rate was at lot lower.. even though I sweating hard and tired. Stayed in the 130's and maxed around 148.

Nutrition-Before I went to lunch.. I wasn't so sure about the change. Then I started eating it and it tasted really good and I felt good eating it. And just look how nice it looks. The only bad thing is it less Calroies.. I'm getting like 66% of the Calories I should be getting. Even though this is more filling.. it's half the Calories. For next week I'll aim to find something to increase my Calorie intake, perferablly cheap.. w/ protein and little to no fat (I have 33% Fats and some really good fats).

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 15

Chest and Back - I finally got a proper pullup bar. I increased my weight for the lawnmower and heavy pants.., but I needed to switch my weight back to do the back flys in decent form. I think I'll need to buy more weight, so I can just adjust before hand with 2 sets of diffrent weight to work on throught the workout (no mini breaks to switch out weights). Even though its chest and Back.. my Biceps were feeling like they were going to burst. I have to relize I won't be doing any strength training next week (Recovery Week).. so I need to really push myself.

Ab Ripper X - After working muscles I'm so tired to do this. The third day is where I seem to make progress. I definatly tried.. and might of improved my Fifer Scissors, but it's still sort of pathetic. I'm hoping doing Stretch X will improve my flexability here.

Nutrition - My new lunch cost about as much as my old lunch $1. 3 oz Salmon (canned), 1 Cup Brown Rice, and 1 Cup Raw Spinach. I have them all in a container for each day of the week, I'm hoping they'll hold like that okay. I'm looking forward to see how they effect my Nutrition scoring.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 14

Stretch X-The last day of the week is allways a Rest Day or Stretch X. From now on I'll always do the Stretch X.. because I could use it. It feels very un-natural for me to sit up straight with my feet out in front of me, that needs to change.

Nutrition-The weekend again. I currently have no planned eating for the weekend.. mainly just eat what I allready have lying around. So, maybe I'm not getting exactly what I need.., but eh.. its nothing to bad. Not working, I'm more prone to want to do something.. like snack on something. The raisins and cashews have been tempting, but I managed to at least not over eat those items.

2 Weeks down.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 13

Kenpo X-I love this workout. I really enjoy getting the form in the combinations down and then building up my speed.. and just impressing myself with how fast I can go. Heart Rate stuck around 140 (slightly lower then my Plyo workout). I might try going bare foot next time, because wearing my running shoes I have to much traction.. makes pivoting kind of tough.

Nutrition-Here is my current Daily Food Intake and Financial Cost (it will change next week) (Red Items I'm looking to change):
  • Bananas (1 medium) - $0.20
  • Cashews, w/ salt and oil (2 oz) - $0.50
  • Chow Mein (1 Instant package) - $1.00
  • Egg (1 Medium) - $0.08
  • Milk, Nonfat (16 fl oz) - $0.26
  • Oats, Whole Grain Steel cut (80 g) - $0.35
  • Raisins, seedless (40 g) ~ $0.14
  • Yogurt, nonfat fruit flavor (6 oz) - $0.50
  • Multi-Vitamin (1 Pill of 2) ~ $0.16
  • Calcium Supplement (1 Pill of 2) ~ $0.124
  • Whey Protein (2 Scoops) - $1.00
  • Water (64 fl oz) - Free

Daily Total Cost: $4.31

Prior to me monitoring my Nutrition.. I was spending like $60 to $100 a month.. now it looks like I'll be spending around $150. Not to bad, considering the health benifits. I'm also sure I can buy some of those items in bulk for less.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 12

Today was pretty sucky. At my work you can usually count on Wed and Thur being light days. So I work on an update to a program and revise one of our databases. I come back on the floor and everything is like an hour to two hours behind. We miss a deadline.. witch adds a bit more work on to my workload. I finally finish about two hours past the time I was hoping to leave at. Then I relize that co-worker (that was nice enough to give me a ride in) left early without telling me. So I have to wait for someone else (again, that was kind enough to give me a ride home), another hour or two of sitting around. I think I managed to keep it all under control.. I don't think anyone noticed how pissed off I was. When I got home it toke me an hour to cool down, rationalize things, and get motivated to workout.

Legs and Back-Good solid workout. Sort of feel like I cheating with the pullups.. I need to get an actually pullup bar (maybe over the weekend). Despite my knees continuing to make noise.. I think I pushed my self a bit more then last time (where I might of been more cautionary)

Ab Ripper X-I think I did good. I definately tried to Bring it. I sort of want to record myself, so I can compare both to the videos and to my previous workouts.

Nutrition-Looking forward to making lunch next week and improving my nutrition stats. I'm thankfull I'm used to eating the same thing everyday and have such bland tastebuds.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 11

Yoga X-I think I got the form down a little better. Theres like 3 sections in this hour and half long workout. The 1st section is constantly changing poses that stretch and constrain, my biggest weakness here is toward the end where you put all of your weight on one foot and contort the other parts of your body.. it's just feels like alot of weight. The 2nd section is Balance Poses, no major weakness that I can remember. The Final section is Streching and relaxing various parts of your body, like Ab Ripper X.. my biggest weakness is getting my legs straight out and up.

Nutrition-I managed to get my Calorie count up to 2000, I should probably be at 2500.. but I'm not too concerned for the time being. If I do intake more food.. it really needs to be Protien... My current Ratio is 47% Carbs, 31% Fats, and 22% Protien. It was kind of struggle to eat all of the food in my schedule for the day. My oatmeal take a half hour to cook, so ended up taking it with me to work. By lunch time I managed to eat the last of my oatmeal, ate my lunch, and then had 2 ounces of Cashews to finish off before I left for the day.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 10

Arms and Shoulders-A good solid effort. Of course, better then last week. With sStrength building workouts it's kind of hard to say if you really gave it your all.

Ab Ripper X-Didn't feel as good as it on Day 5, but I was also worn out a bit from the Arms and Shoulder's workout. I thought about taking a break between the two, but didn't want to waste the time.

Nutrition-Added a banana to my post-workout meal/dinner. Some fast burning carbs, natural protein, and best of all the potassium. Ideally I need to increase my calorie intake (I'm only geting like 1800 Calories a day, I should be getting somewhere closer to 2400 Calories) and improve my Carb:Fat:Protien ratio. I'm aiming for no more then 50% Carbs and no less then 33% Protien. Ideally something like 40C:20F:40P might be good.