Today was pretty sucky. At my work you can usually count on Wed and Thur being light days. So I work on an update to a program and revise one of our databases. I come back on the floor and everything is like an hour to two hours behind. We miss a deadline.. witch adds a bit more work on to my workload. I finally finish about two hours past the time I was hoping to leave at. Then I relize that co-worker (that was nice enough to give me a ride in) left early without telling me. So I have to wait for someone else (again, that was kind enough to give me a ride home), another hour or two of sitting around. I think I managed to keep it all under control.. I don't think anyone noticed how pissed off I was. When I got home it toke me an hour to cool down, rationalize things, and get motivated to workout.
Legs and Back-Good solid workout. Sort of feel like I cheating with the pullups.. I need to get an actually pullup bar (maybe over the weekend). Despite my knees continuing to make noise.. I think I pushed my self a bit more then last time (where I might of been more cautionary)
Ab Ripper X-I think I did good. I definately tried to Bring it. I sort of want to record myself, so I can compare both to the videos and to my previous workouts.
Nutrition-Looking forward to making lunch next week and improving my nutrition stats. I'm thankfull I'm used to eating the same thing everyday and have such bland tastebuds.
I thought this blog was about tracking your progress with P90X and overall nutrition, not how work day went. :P