Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 60

Arms and Shoulders- All of my weights increased by 5 pounds. Which really doesn't seem like a huge improvement in a 42 day period, but it's fine. My real goal with strength is to just be stronger enough to support myself with (climbing, handstands, ropes, pull-ups). Having huge muscles would just slow me down. Still, with a goal weight of 150 that gives me an extra 3-4 lbs of muscles to add on. If one arm could lift a quarter of my overall weight, I think that would be a good goal to achieve 37.5 lbs... and really a max weight limit for any routine (unless maybe I'm stilll under 150 lbs body weight and all of my other muscles are up to par).

During one of the exercises I tweaked a muscle in my right shoulder. I'm not sure which exercise caused it. It gave me minor pain throughout the night as I'm someone who sleeps on their side. It's really not that bad. I only seem to feel it when I bring my elbow back or straighten my arm across my chest.

Exercises I could improve on... The "In/Out Shoulder Flys", during the out part I struggled with 10 lbs. "Upright Rows" allways seem a little off with me, in the video they have their elbows way up. "Couching Cohen Curls", I use the wall.. but it still seems like I'm offsetting some of the weight with my back. In this exercise I really need to stay with what I have a try to get good form and isolate the bicep muscles. Overall this tells me, I could do with improving my shoulder muscles more then my triceps and biceps.

Ab Ripper X- It went good today. I saw a video of someone showing how to do "Leg Lifts", they interesting thing is they have the person place their hands under their butt. For the P90X's variants of "Leg Lifts", "Fifer Scissors" they instruct placing the hands off to the side. It doesn't seem like a big diffrence, but for myself I quickly learned (ie. first day of P90x) placing the hands under the butt is easier. I would assume P90X's version is harder and provides ore of a workout, but maybe it's just unnecessarily harder.


  1. The shoulder tweak could have come from the increased weight, although it is hard to say.

    I get them once in a while. They go away in a day or two. I've got one right now. I think I may have gotten it because I waited five days (because of the trip) instead of four. And, I was in a hurry because I was weak from not eating (too cheap to pay airport food rates) and wanted to get the exercising over with.

    Shoulders are really delicate. It is basically one big open ball joint with tendons holding the whole thing together. That's why shoulder injuries are so common. From what I've read, the other joints in the body are more closely coupled.

  2. That makes my wonder what we can do to prevent future shoulder injuries from occuring or make the shoulder's less delicate.

    I found this article kind of interesting

    I also found that the weight of Chimpanzee's Deltoid muscle x2 that of a human.

  3. That's pretty neat how the shoulder evolved into being good for throwing things.
