Not off to the best start...
Monday.. my co-worker called in sick. Since I'm the only one that knows her job.. I end up getting off around 6 in morning, 4 hours later then I was hoping to get off. That sort of got in my head... How am I suppose to accomplish all of my daily tasks and be in bed by 7am if I'm here getting off at 6 am. But I thought to myself "Tuesday is the start of it.. so maybe this sort of thing won't happen within the following 30 days."Tuesday.. my co-worker in sick. X_X Again? Luckily I got alot of her stuff caught up the previous day.. At about 3:50am I was able to leave. I thought to myself "Maybe I could ride home apace. Maybe even getting home around 4:10am". Nope.. mother nature wasn't having it. I came outside to discover's prediction of cloudy.. meant rainy. It wasn't so bad to start, but at one point I had to pull off, because the visability was to poor.
I got home at 4:30am. Started my workout and discovered a sharp tension from my legs to my back when ever I started hopping around.. So, I ended up doing yoga instead.
- Word of the day is apace it means "quickly, swiftly"
- Watched 3 Physics video, should probably re-review them.. I kind wish I had some sort of worksheet to do. Like you would get from school.
- 30 minutes workout complete
- Blog w/pic or video complete
- I should meet the 7:00 bed time
I'll need to make up the guitar tomorrow. It's not required to be daily.
Percent w/ time adjustment 97.27% Complete
Avergae 0.61% Complete
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