When I was in shower I was thinking.. back on the physics lesson that "a" stood for acceleration. Since pace is basically the speed of something.. a*pace might be seen as going faster or quickly. Which makes apace an easier word to memorize in both spelling and defination. Though remebering that apace means "quickly" and not "quick".. is kind of strange. I guess the "a" can also stand for abverb.. in this single situation.
I was also able to mess around my guitar. I basically played the pentatonic scale in that 3rd to 5th fret region, doing diffrent patterns(ie. 1,2,1 or 2,1 etc.). I kind of suprised some of memory and skill weren't lost as much, as I thought they would be.

(My Running Gear: Track Pants, Running Shoes, socks(not pictured), Heart Monitor, and No shirt
cause I'm hardcore like that... but really I just don't want to get another shirt all sweaty)
I figure my workouts will look something like this every week...
- Ab Ripper X & Fartlek Run (High Intesity Interval Running)
- Chest and Back (Strength Training)
- Ab Ripper X & Long Run (ideally around 10k)
- Shoulder, Bicep, and Tricep (Strength Training)
- Ab Ripper X & Some sort of run (I heard hill training is good.. I don't know)
- Legs and Back (Strength Training)
- Yoga X (I might also see what Netlflix has to offer on insant watch)
I re-learned 1 improtant thing. Don't eat (espically dairy food) before a run. Wait at least an hour. I was afraid I might have to pull off to the side at one point.
- Word of the day is loll, which means "to move, lay, sit, or stand in a relaxed way". It's kind of a funny word because on internet people will sometimes interchange lol with lawl.. which sounds the same as loll's pronunciation.
- Watched 2 physics videos, this time when he proposed something.. I stopped the video and trying figuring it out myself, before continuing.
- I cooked 5 meals containing 3 ingredients (brown rice, salmon, spinach).. my standard work lunch. (Need to adjust worksheet for the 2 number goal with 1 task)
- I ran 3.1 miles
- 30 minute workout complete
- Blog w/ pic complete
- Read 1st 2 chapters of Fight Club
- Going to sleep now ~6:40am (reading made me sleepy)
Maybe a little guitar practice tomorrow before work.
Percent w/ time adjustment 98.79% CompleteAvergae 2.24% Complete
I've started playing the recorder again after a lapse of a few months and was also surprised how quick the muscle memory picked up again.
ReplyDeleteThat's neat you're reading Fight Club. You can be our on-site expert when we all get together to watch the movie again.
One of the oddest new words that I've learned is "low", the sound cows make. They low.
I'd like to learn calculus. I had one semester in it and squeaked by with a C grade. I then took a trig class because I knew the Calculus II would require trig. I took the class and got an A. But when I started the Calculus II class I had forgotten so many of the formulas (back then you had to memorize them) that I dropped out of the class. I've use a lot of algebra in investing. I never tried physics.
Thats for commenting.
ReplyDeleteI figure I'll probably finish reading Fight Club within the 30 day period. It's very similar to the movie so far. It makes me want to re-watch the parts I've read to see how they compare.
All the formulas is one reason I feel to re-learn it. Physics seemed like something kind of fun. I should really learn all of those formulas. When I was programming a while back.. I wanted to determine distance.. I nearly forgot about the whole a squared plus b squared equals c squared deal (probably the most well knowen formula).