Today was my big weight lifting day. I manipulated over 1/10th of my goal for 30 days. The other 2 strength training days.. have little weight manipulation involved. For the weight mainpulated.. if the exercise counts 1 rep as 1 curl(or whatever) for each arm.. then I'll just count that as 1 instead of 2.
At work I started to tackle a huge beast of a program.. that once complete will make the day 1 production process just that much more efficent. It will also make 1 end of night duty as easy as pushing a button. It basicially links our database which is on a webpage, with our main research tool which is a seperate program, with a program I created used to print stuff. Instead of people manually writing tickets; And copying and pasting data back and forth.. they could use my program to automate those functions.. and the program will record it.. So.. for my end of night duty it could just load all of the generated tickets into a seperate program.. instead of me manually typing the stuff in.
Of course I didn't finish it today.. but I was able to use some of the code I wrote to complete a quick little copy/paste type program which should save me at least 5 minutes every night.
- Word of the day is brachiate which means "to swing by moving from hold to another by using arms". I really like verbs I guess. This seems appriopate for bouldering. Instead of saying "try to use your momentum to grab that hold" you could say "try brachiating to that hold". This word is kind of tricky cause the pronuciation is like [bray-key-ate]. Are there any common words that use "ch", but make a "k" sound?
- Weight Manipulated: 3,520 lbs
- Guitar practiced
- Blog posted w/pic or video
- 30+ workout complete
- Going to sleep ~5:50am
- Watched 2 more physics videos.. need to take some algebra and trig before continuing
I signed up to work 8 hours for Habitat for Humanity doing some framing. As a consequence of that I toke Friday off.. so I could get some sleep before then. No major plans for Friday.. I'll probably do some programming, maybe post a video.
Percent w/ time adjustment 99.83% CompleteAvergae 3.40% Complete
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