I ending wasting lack an hour of time, once I got home. I ended up way behind today. Since it was light out.. I thought I would try filming me running. Yeah... it turned out really bad. I'm still posting it, just so I can make the blog /w video or pic goal. I seriously tried to keep my arm level. I guess I need to wear some harness thing or something.. I don't know.
EDIT: Apperantly, the blogger video quality is awful as well.
Saturday I was going to volunteer for something, but they need me and the Habitat for Humanity thing was full by the time I checked last Monday. I might have to wing it and do some at home stuff.
- Word 1 Diffident, "Hesitant in acting or speaking due to lack of self-confidence"
- Word 2 Fiduciary, "A person to whom property or power is entrusted for the benifit of another"
- Only ran 2k
- Workout complete (Ab Ripper X & Fartlek Run)
- Guitar when I woke up (Was going to do it again before bed, but ran out of time.)
- Made some noticeable improvements to my program, it can now replace my old productivity tracker program.. just to add an auto-save feature.
- Bed before 7
- One math lesson complete
Percent w/ time adjustment 84.12% Complete
Average 17.45% Complete
Third of the way in.. at this rate.. I'll be lucky to reach 50% of my Goal.
Here's a word I picked up yesterday:
ReplyDeleteProbity: the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency : financial probity.
I've encountered it (infrequently) before but never knew what it was.
I'll add it to today's list.