Today I did my.. "ride a distance of 30+ miles on my motorcycle". About 13 miles in, I wasn't able to hear my engine anymore which made me think that maybe my engine died out. However, It was just because of the constant wind noise though (and potential hearing damage.. o.o ). It was kind of neat to pass through an area that is kind barren. It reminded me of entering into the next town in SNES game Earthbound, seeing stores and houses start to appear.
Song is "Save my soul" by Remi Sinato (
As I said before, the Ninja 250 is not good bike for traveling long distance. I do have more confidence in my bike's capabilities though. If an apocalyptic senerio were to occur.. I belive the ninja would be an excellent tool for local travel with a distance going to at least 30 miles.
As I was following my brother home, he toke fairly sharp turn on a two-lane elevated interchange(NB 101 to WB 60), going 20 miles over the speed limit. Being on the motorcycle, I knew I couldn't really slow down in the turn (If I slowed down in the turn.. I probably would of crashed, possiably going over the side of the ramp). I had to trust my abilities and really lean far to my left (I've never leaned that close to the ground). So that was definately an experience.
As I was following my brother home, he toke fairly sharp turn on a two-lane elevated interchange(NB 101 to WB 60), going 20 miles over the speed limit. Being on the motorcycle, I knew I couldn't really slow down in the turn (If I slowed down in the turn.. I probably would of crashed, possiably going over the side of the ramp). I had to trust my abilities and really lean far to my left (I've never leaned that close to the ground). So that was definately an experience.
I also made two dishes. My brother-in-law photographed them, but I forgot to get those pictures before I left.
- Read 4 Chapters of Fight Club
- 1 New Taste, Dried Beef
- Rode over 30 miles from home (~38 miles) complete
- Cooked 4 meals using new 15 ingredients (2 dishes)
- Cooked 5 work lunches
- Blog entry w/ video (a numer of issues encountered on this)
- Bed before 7am-ish
- (Missed a workout today)
Percent w/ time adjustment 82.01% Complete
Avergae 25.34% Complete
I like the video, especially the last part with you reflection in the mirror. Was the video made using some kind of automatic sampling mode, or did you control each sequence? Or maybe you edited the video afterward?
ReplyDeleteThanks. I manually cut two second bits from the orginal video (40 minutes), down to the length of the song.