Saturday, October 2, 2010

BC - Day 11 of 30

I managed to implement 2 major features for my "UCF Tool". It now automates the card closing procedure, which save around 20 minutes and removes that annoyance of being handed other peole's work since the tool will now do it for them on the spot. The other function is it automatically enters entries that are created with the "UCF Tool". This will save about 30 minutes end of night, every night. So, come Christmas Eve.. I'll be leaving a 'little' bit earlier then normal. It also ensures that all information is correct and legable for encoding (as long as the User entered the intial 3 variables correctly).

It's main functionality for the Day 1 process is finished, but I could allways add more functionality. I should also add funcionalty to cover uncommon, unique conditions. After I test it a bit more. I'll show it off to management next Monday or Tuesday. From there, I could work to get my peers using it. Confirm everything is going good. And finally, submit it on the company website... where other similar departments can use it.. even though it's very specific to our department and our tools.

If work is going good, I'll probably start on a new project related to improving the Day 2 process.

Short little clip, showing a little bicep curling action.
  • 3855 lbs manipulated. 300 more then my weight day last week.. but still way behind the 30,000 goal..
  • 2 major Improvements on "UCF Tool".
  • Guitar practiced once when I woke up
  • Blog w/ short little video
  • workout complete
  • Bed before 7... eh.. close enough. I'm counting it.
  • Word of Day Probity, "integrity and uprightness; honesty"

Percent w/ time adjustment 81.91% Complete
Avergae 18.58% Complete

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