Sunday, October 10, 2010

BC - Day 20 of 30

The joy of leftovers...
I want to get back on track with the words, so I'm putting 5 on the list today. When ever I add new words to the spreadsheet.. I can look at the privious entries words, but then I have to hide previous entries that same day. I haven't been doing that great with really trying to memorize the spelling, use of the word, and defination. I'll be interested to see how I do.. being that I haven't really been studying these new words.

  • 3 Math Lessons complete, which completes the math lesson task.
  • Read 3 Chapters
  • Guitar
  • Workout complete (Ab Ripper X + Long Run)
  • Ran 7k (4.35 miles)
  • Cooked 5 meals (0 new ingredients)
  • 1 Blog post w/ pic
  • Word #16 Echt, "authentic, typical"
  • Word #17 Weald, "woodland"
  • Word #18 Piker, "A stingy person, cautious gambler, or one who does things in a small way"
  • Word #19 Paivd, "Timid, fearful"
  • Word #20 Tremulous, "Trembling. Timib, nervous"
  • 4 Sprites Drawen (3 still objects, 1 background)

Percent w/ time adjustment 70.71% Complete
Avergae 37.38% Complete


  1. Your leftovers look inedible. What IS that?

  2. Lasagna from Sunday. It's not a great picture.. but I had to throw something up. I'm sort of running out of picture ideas and videos take a big chunk of my time.
