I didn't have much of a clue how to get there. Even with a google map I wasn't sure exactly where the race was going to start at. I had a guess and jotted down some street names in case I got lost.
It was about 15 minutes later then scheduled, that I ended up leaving the house on my motorcycle. I also needed to stop off and get gas ...maybe an extra 10 minutes?
I arrived.. and my intial guess was way off. I did manage to find the entrance into the mountainous region (eh.. mor like hillish). I arrived at the guard station just in time to see all of my competation running by. This crushed any hope I had that I could start on time and made me very doubtful if I could start at all. Maybe I could still get a bannana or something though.. so I continued on to park.
I don't really like "squid"'ing it (running shoes, t-shirt, light workout pants, helment, and gloves), but whatever. I locked my helment to my bike and shoved my gloves under my bike seat
Luck was on my side. One of the racing corrdinators mentioned that the race was chip timed.. so I was able to start. Despite my beaten down will that I had when I first wokeup, I was determined and quickly started my run. This was a bit of a rash decision on my part as I neglected to do any stretching before hand.
For the first mile I wasn't to in to it and had the horrible thought that maybe I should just quit. Ha ha.. I killed thought quickly though. The next mile was mainly up hill. At this point people were starting to come back (it was an "out and back" type of course) return and I was also passing people. I started about 10 minutes lates so the people I passed were mainly walkers at this point. I reached the turn point and knowing what I had left gave me a little boost. With my long stride I was able to make alot of passes on the downhill section. I threw some encouragement to 2 girls that I passed, I like to feel like this gives me a little karma boost for any race I run. Getting close to the end I hear a guy talking to hsi kid "All right this is the last bit. Let's go. You'll thank me later." . I toke that bit of advice I pushed my speed up a notch. I was able to see the finish line and pumped up closer to my max speed (it was a turn to cross the finish line.. no all out burst :( ) . Finished.

The printout said I got third in my age group, but during the medal ceramony I got a 2nd place medal. I'll gladly accept it :D . I assumed the printout was off, because you'll see them constantly change them during a race.
After eating my share of cookies and with medal in hand I return to my bike. In all the rushing I managed to leave my motorcycle key sitting on my seat. Ha ha.. good thing nothing happened to it.

After the kids went down my sister, brother, and I proceed to play my game. It consisted of 100 tiles repersenting 20 tiles for 20 different ingredients, 15 Recipe cards, and 3 player placemats. I two different versions in mind, the first one didn't really work as it required other player to unintentionally help you for you to win. The second idea worked out well overall IMO.

It didn't work well in the fact that players would grab at the same location at the same time. It did however let the players be constantly involved in the gameplay, to the point where players weren't grabbing from the main draw pile.. but instead cycling through their discard piles(each two discard pile and could also take from the player's adjacent discard piles) and then searching for recipies that had ingredients available.
Afterwards I help my sister prepare cupcakes for her to take to her daughter's school, for her birthday.
Came home, wrote this and will workout before going to sleep. Today was good, I raised my modified percentage back over 60%.
Avergae 53.58% Complete
Congratulations on the 2nd place finish! I didn't know about chip timing - pretty neat.
ReplyDeleteAnd on completing Fight Club.
This is the best blog post ever!
ReplyDeleteThanks Lysh :D
ReplyDeleteIt was probably most productive day during the Birthday Challenge. Thanks for ignoring the grammer errors.
Ha ha! I bite my tongue on every post. ;)