Thursday, August 19, 2010


Rasin Bran (Kelloggs vs Post)- First off the noticeable diffrences. With Kelloggs you seem to get more raisins the pack more sugar on them. With Post you get lighter flakes, maybe they make their flakes more sugary instead of their raisins. I'll also note that the Post boxs says on the front "25% less sodium then Kellogg's Raisin Bran", even thought the facts on each box say the same amount of 250 mg. They both have 1 gram of fat, Post shows .5 of that gram is Polyunsaturated, while Kellogg's keeps it all hidden. Kellogg's has 2 less grams of sugar, 1 extra gram of protein, and 10 mg of extra Potassium. Post as an extra gram of Dietary Fiber and beats Kellogg's in the micronutrient catagory (with Vitamin A, Iron, Folic Acid, Magnisium, Zinc, and Copper). I would have to call Post the winner here (for me), but realistically I'll be buying whichever that brand cost less when I go to the store.

Grape Nuts- This is the second time I've bought it, thinking.. "I think I'm healthy enough that I can start eatiing this cereal" OR "I think my taste buds are bland enough that I can eat this cereal". The only cereal that could be worse then Grape Nuts would probably by gneric brand Grape Nuts. The box even shows aleternative ways to eat it on the back, and the recommened way to eat it on the side (microwave with milk (to be fair I haven't even tried this way yet)). I've found that it works well if it soaks and I have a layer of raisin bran on top. The bland taste is removed and you get a nice little crunch after you eat through the Raisin Bran. It basicly provides the same nutritents as Rasin Bran, but the half serving. Plus for half a cup you get 90% Iron and 50% Folic Acid (the percentages being Daily Value on side of box, not my personal daily values).


  1. When I was eating cereal a long time ago I remember liking Raisin Bran (don't know which maker).

    I could never get into eating Grape Nuts.

  2. As I was writing this, I was trying to remember what you eat with your milk? And more importantly what do you eat for your breakfast?

  3. For breakfast I have:

    - 1 hard-boiled egg
    - About a 1/4 inch off the end of a celery stalk
    - 1 leaf romaine lettuce (I started this with Tori - I give her some and eat the rest)
    - 8 blackberries
    - Alternate blueberries, raspberries, strawberries each day
    - 1 cup plain full-fat ("cream on top") yogurt. I mix the berries into it.
    - 1 tablespoon heavy cream
    - 1 tablespoon flax seed oil
    - 1/2 of day's vitamin supplements
    - 1/4 cup tomato juice
    - 1/8 cup carrot juice
    - 1/4 cup goat milk

  4. I plugged it into Nutrition (flax seed and vitamin supplement not included), let me know if the link doesn't work.

    Very balanced meal. It says the meal has 9g Saturated Fat, maybe I selected the wrong type of cream. gives you 3 stars :D

  5. That's a great website.

    The saturated fat is probably even higher since the yogurt is "full fat".

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